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Pet policy

Terms & Conditions for accommodating pets
  • Guests with pet who intend to stay in any hotel of “Ammos Hotels” must inform the reservation department at: +30 23510 62222 or email us at: before proceeding with their booking.
  • “Ammos Hotels” allows pets up to 10 kg and only in predetermined pet-friendly room types. One pet is permitted in each room.
  • Aggressive pets are strictly forbidden. “Ammos Hotels” reserves the right to remove guests whose pets are deemed aggressive against the hotel staff or other guests.
  • Guests with pet agree to provide the reception with an updated Health Record Booklet
    upon arrival. This is mandatory for completing the check-in process.
  • Pets should have all recommended vaccinations currently up-to-date. Pets must have
    been deflead three (3) days prior to arrival. A fleas and ticks repellent has to be applied
    before the stay.
  • Pets must never be left in the hotel room unattended.
  • Pets are not allowed to climb onto furniture, beds, sofas, etc.
  • Pets must be kept under control and on a lead or in a carrier in any public areas of the hotel.
  • Pet owners are responsible for cleaning up after pets in all areas of the hotel immediately
    and appropriately dispose of waste inside and outside of rooms. Owners are requested to
    walk their dogs only outside the hotel premises.
  • Pets are not permitted in the restaurant.
  • At check-out the room should be clean of pet leftovers.
Other terms
  • Owners assume all responsibility for the pet’s actions in the property, be it damage to
    property, injury to staff or other guests and will not hold “Ammos Hotels” liable of any
    responsibility regarding pet care, loss, or damages.
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